
Models in Brink integrate seamlessly with RethinkDB, makes it a breeze to validate data and more.

Creating a model

Models simply have to inherit from the brink.models.Model class and specifiy its fields.

from brink.models import Model
from brink import fields

class Message(Model):
   author = fields.CharField(required=True)
   message = fields.CharField(required=True, min_length=10)

Bulding queries

You have full access to the ReQL API provided by RethinkDB.

Fetch an item:

await Item.get(id)

Delete an item:

await Item.get(id).delete()

Save an item:

item = await Item.get(id)
item.value = False

Fetch all items:

await Item.all()


When fetching multiple items you will get an async iterator back by default. You can get a plain list instead by calling Item.all().as_list() instead.

Fetch items where value is True:

await Item.filter({"value": True})

Change feeds

Subscribing to a change feed is super easy.

async for item in Item.all().changes():
   print(await item)

Yes. That’s really it :)